Disaster Response Resources
Due to the fast-moving and chaotic atmosphere during disaster recovery, opportunities for partnerships, funding, and consideration of long-term resilient outcomes can be missed. Well thought out and intentional actions coupled with good communication can go miles towards obtaining positive long-term outcomes for your communities and your stream corridors. There will be extreme pressure to act swiftly and with authority, and there will be times and places where this is the right thing to do but if there is uncertainty about the right course of action, stop, slow down, collaborate with other parties (including the public), and give the situation a more weighted decision. Move with purpose, but not in haste.
Best Practice Recommendations and Resources
This document outlines recommended best practices and contact information for stream restoration activities. Before implementing any significant restoration efforts, it is important to recognize that streams are dynamic interconnected systems. Activities upstream may affect neighbors downstream and vice versa. It is important that we collectively adopt best practices and implement them across our watersheds for lasting results.
Damage Survey Reports
This page provides guidance to design teams on how to interpret Damage Survey Reports (DSRs) for EWP projects.