The Human Element Resources
Flood recovery managers and project design teams need to understand that public involvement is an ongoing and evolving conversation. Developing a dialogue not only builds trust within the public, but it also yields critical information that can be used to create better recovery projects and to avoid potential problems. It is important to remember that while many elements of recovery may be focused on the outcomes, such as constructed improvements, an open conversation about the process is important to maintain. During and following the 2013 Colorado Floods, strong relationships were developed through a communication strategy that focused on time, persistence, consistency, and trust.
Communication Guidance
Left Hand Project Outreach Template
This document provides instructions for planning an initial public outreach strategy. The information includes objectives for the first neighborhood or community meeting, establishing communication protocols, and finding funding.
Left Hand Communication Protocol
This document is an example of a stakeholder involvement and communication protocol provided by the Lefthand Watershed oversight group. The protocol includes an in-depth look at what the different roles that the watershed coalition, design team, neighborhood liaisons/representatives, and landowners might be in the disaster recovery process.
Communication Recommendations During Project Construction
This handout is intended for local project sponsors, construction contractors, and construction oversight teams and provides recommendations for communicating with each other, state and federal funding agencies, and landowners during the construction of EWP projects.
Landowner Resources
Information for Landowners
This page and updated handout provide information for landowners on the benefits of participating in the EWP program and what to expect during each of phase of project design and implementation. A Construction Guide for Landowners can be found on this page.
Regional Stream Stewardship & Recovery Handbook
The purpose of the Stream Stewardship and Recovery Handbook is to create an educational resource for private landowners to better understand their streamside properties in the context of the larger watershed, what they can do to practice good stream stewardship and when/how they should engage outside help for stewardship or recovery projects.
Resilient Crossings
The Resilient Crossings Landowner Handbook is designed to inform private landowners about resilient crossing considerations and construction techniques in the context of living along a Front Range river. The concepts presented here can be broadly applied to sites in the canyons, foothills and plains.