Recovery Planning
A recovery plan evaluates and communicates current risk and synthesizes data and scientific analysis to explore recovery alternatives and develop project concepts and overall recovery guidelines that reflect the values, goals, and objectives of the watershed community. Planning may initially feel out of sync with the prevailing sense of urgency after a disaster, but ultimately it is the most valuable tool in understanding residual risk, coalescing a vision for recovery, developing community support, and identifying needs for long-term recovery funding. Done well, a comprehensive flood-recovery plan expresses a community’s overarching vision, goals, objectives, and policies while integrating hazard mitigation and risk reduction strategies as it sets the course for implementation of construction and reconstruction efforts across the disaster-affected watershed.
Flood recovery plans are most useful when they identify mitigation projects, both large and small, that address inundation and fluvial hazards associated with floods, and seek to maximize the health and function of the stream corridor. To maximize usefulness for local sponsors, projects identified in the plan should: be prioritized, have approximate costs, clarify permitting requirements, and explain how improvements work together to achieve watershed-wide goals and objectives. Projects should also be classified as early action (flood recovery) or long-term (multi-benefit projects that require other sources of funding outside of flood recovery). Project cost estimates should be provided along with possible funding sources.
Planning Templates and Guidelines
Master Plan Template Scope of Work & RFP
This Stream Corridor Master Plan template is intended to guide communities towards prioritization and implementation of stream rehabilitation and restoration projects that protect life and property from flood hazards.
CDBG-DR 30% Design Guidelines
This document contains specifications for developing 30% design deliverables for grant-funded projects. A 30% design should provide clear direction for detailed project engineering and specifications to be completed in the future.
Hydrology Study Scope
This document is a template scope of work for the hydrology studies. These studies should provide calculations of peak flood discharges, rainfall run-off modelling, and a review of historic streamflow data. Flood discharges developed as part of this scope will be used as the basis for subsequent Hydraulic Analyses.